Here, you will learn how to convert URL to PDF using and Zapier integration.

In this tutorial, we will use Wikipedia’s contact page to show you how to convert a URL into a PDF document by making a Custom API Call to using the /pdf/convert/from/url endpoint. You can check out the Web API docs to see the other supported endpoints here.

  1. Open and Selct Custom API Call Function
  2. Set Up the Custom API Call for URL to PDF Conversion
  3. Test & Review
  4. Copy & Paste URL to Browser to View Result
  5. Send the Generated PDF via Gmail
  6. Configure Send Email Action
  7. Check the Configuration
  8. See Result

The Custom API Call is designed for advanced users. This gives you access to customizations that are not available in Anything to PDF Converter. If you are not looking for advanced settings, you can use Anything to PDF Converter Action in the plugin with URL as the input.

Wikipedia Contact Us Page
Screenshot of Source URL

1. Open and Selct Custom API Call Function

We assume that you have already configured the Trigger step and are ready to set up the Action step. For our Action step, let’s choose as the App and Custom API Call as the Action Event.

Setup Custom API Call In In The Action Step

2. Set Up the Custom API Call for URL to PDF Conversion

  • In the API Endpoint field, select v1/pdf/convert/from/url.
  • In the Input JSON, enter the JSON code. Following is the complete JSON code that we will use for this example.

"url": "",
"margins": "5px 5px 5px 5px",
"paperSize": "Letter",
"orientation": "Portrait",
"printBackground": true,
"header": "",
"footer": "",
"async": false,
"encrypt": false

Configure Custom API Call With API Endpoint And JSON

3. Test & Review

We are now ready to send our Custom API Call to Click on Text & Review button to send our data.

Send Custom API Data To Test And Review

4. Copy & Paste URL to Browser to View Result

Our test was a success! Kindly copy the URL and paste it on your browser’s address bar to see the result. Successfully Processed Request

Fantastic! We have successfully converted Wikipedia’s Contact page URL to PDF using the Custom API Call to

Output PDF Of The Converted URL
Screenshot of Output PDF File

NOTE: You can set up the next step to save the generated file in Google Drive or Dropbox depending on your requirement.

5. Send the Generated PDF via Gmail

In this next step, kindly choose Gmail as the App and Send Email as the Action Event.

Send Generated Email Via Gmail

6. Configure Send Email Action

  • In the To field, enter the recipient’s email address.
  • In the From field, enter the email address you want to use to send the email.
  • In the Subject field, enter your email subject.
  • In the Body Type field, you either choose a Plain text or HTML.
  • In the Body field, you can enter your message and the generated PDF URL.
  • In the Attachment field, you can also select the generated PDF URL to be sent as attachment.

Add Email Recipient To Send The Generated PDF

Send The Generated PDF As Email Body Or As Attachment

7. Check the Configuration

Let’s test the action and send it to Gmail to make sure that we configured it correctly.

Send Gmail Email Test Action

Great! Gmail confirmed that our email was sent to the recipient’s email account successfully.

Gmail Send Email Action Test Confirmation

8. See Result

Here’s the email that we received in our inbox after we sent the generated PDF through Gmail and Zapier.

Email Received From Generated PDF Through Gmail In Zapier
Screenshot of Received Email

In this tutorial, we learned to generate a PDF from a website URL using the Custom Call API v1/pdf/convert/from/url endpoint. We also learned how to set up Gmail so we can send the generated PDF to our contacts and desired recipients.

So, now you know how to convert links to PDF or turn your URL into PDF by using and Zapier integration.