If you have a business, you really want to add a watermark to your PDF files to avoid stealing. The worst part would be to add a watermark to thousands of PDF files. The good news is that you can actually automate the process using PDF.co Web API and Zapier.

Here’s a step-by-step guide:

  1. Create a Zap
  2. Select a Trigger App
  3. Select a Trigger Event
  4. Setup Trigger
  5. Test Trigger
  6. Select an Action App
  7. Select an Action Event
  8. Setup Action
  9. Test Action
  10. Result

We will use this sample PDF invoice for this tutorial and add a watermark to it.

Screenshot of the Source PDF Invoice
Screenshot of the Source PDF Invoice

Here’s a step-by-step guide with a screenshot:

1. Create a Zap

  • On your Zapier dashboard, click Create Zap

2. Select a Trigger App

  • For this tutorial, we will use Google Drive as our Trigger App

Select a Trigger App

NOTE: You may use different cloud storage of your choice.

3. Select a Trigger Event

  • For the Trigger Event, select New File in Folder. This will trigger the Zap every time there’s a new file in the selected folder

Select a Trigger Event

4. Setup Trigger

  • Select the Drive and Folder that you’re going to use

Setup Trigger

5. Test Trigger

Test Trigger

6. Select an Action App

  • Search and select PDF.co as the Action App

Select an Action App

7. Select an Action Event

  • Select PDF Filler as the Action Event. This will be the API that we will use to insert a watermark to your PDF.

Select an Action Event

8. Setup Action

  • For the Source PDF, insert the link where your PDF is located
  • For the Images, insert the X and Y coordinates, the page where you want to insert the watermark/logo, the link to your watermark/logo, and the width and height of the watermark. You can find the coordinates of your PDF here.

Setup Action

9. Test Action

Test Action

Test successful

10. Result

  • Here’s what the result looks like
Screenshot of the Result PDF
Screenshot of the Result PDF

You learned how to add a watermark to your PDF files in this tutorial.