Imagine a situation where you need to write down a PDF invoice in Google Sheets for further processing. This is indeed a very common practice where people tend to maintain all invoice data in cloud-based storage, especially Google Sheets.

Isn’t it a great idea to customize your Google Sheet to have this conversion right into it? Yes, it is a nice feature to have and this article is all about that. We’ll be using Google Apps Script and API to build this solution.

  1. Input Invoice PDF
  2. Output Demo
  3. Where to Write Code
  4. Source Code
    1. Initial Declaration and References
    2. Create Menu
    3. Integrate with Endpoint
    4. Render Google Sheet with Invoice data
  5. Analyze Source Code
  6. Next Step

Before diving into the solution, let’s take time and look into the input invoice PDF and final output.


Input Invoice PDF

The following GIF image shows the input invoice PDF. As it is clear from the animation that the invoice is having a standard format. Furthermore, it contains the most commonly used components such as product/quantity/price-wise information, invoice no, total amount, due date, etc.

Invoice to Google Sheet - Input PDF

Use this link to get a hold of the demo invoice PDF used here.


Output Demo

First, let’s review the following final end-result animation.

Invoice to Google Sheet - Demo

Here, the flow is like below.

  1. We have a new menu named “”. Inside that sub-menu named “Get Invoice Information”.
  2. Now, upon clicking on the “Get Invoice Information” sub-menu, it’ll open a prompt asking for a PDF Invoice URL.
  3. Finally, after entering the invoice URL it’ll fill Google Sheet with invoice data as shown in the above output GIF.


Where to Write Code

Now, there are many ways we can customize Google Sheets. However, in our case, we are writing our own source code. Hence, “Script editor” is the place where all action happens.

Invoice PDF to Google Sheet - App Script

Go to the “Tools -> Script editor” menu. It’ll open a new Script editor project like below. We have to write our source code in this online code file.

Invoice to Google Sheet - Code

You will find this online Code Editor very much useful and interesting. All source code is written in plain JavaScript and we have built-in support for google libraries


Source Code

Please review the following source code, and we’ll analyze important pieces of it in the next section.

 * Initial Declaration and References

// Get UI
const ui = SpreadsheetApp.getUi();

// Get the active spreadsheet and the active sheet
const ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
const ssid = ss.getId();

 * Add Menus in Google Spreadsheet
function onOpen() {
  var menuItems = [
    {name: 'Get Invoice Information', functionName: 'getInvoiceInformation'} 
  ss.addMenu('', menuItems);

 * Function which gets Invoice Information using
function getInvoiceInformation() {
  let invoiceUrlPromptResp = ui.prompt("Please Provide Invoice URL:");
  let invoiceUrl = invoiceUrlPromptResp.getResponseText();
  if(invoiceUrlPromptResp.getSelectedButton() == ui.Button.OK && invoiceUrl && invoiceUrl.trim() !== ""){
      // Prepare Payload
      var data = {
        "url": invoiceUrl, //"",
        "outputFormat": "JSON",
        "templateId": "1",
        "async": false,
        "encrypt": "false",
        "inline": "true",
        "password": "",
        "profiles": "",
        "storeResult": false

      // Prepare Request Options
      var options = {
        'method' : 'post',
        'contentType': 'application/json',
        'headers': {
          "x-api-key": "--enter-your-pdf-co-api-key-here--"
        // Convert the JavaScript object to a JSON string.
        'payload' : JSON.stringify(data)
      // Get Response
      var pdfCoResponse = UrlFetchApp.fetch('', options);

      var pdfCoRespText = pdfCoResponse.getContentText();
      var pdfCoRespJson = JSON.parse(pdfCoRespText);

      // Display Result
        // Upload file to Google Drive
    ui.alert("Please Provide Invoice URL");

 * Render Invoice Data to Spreadsheet
function showInvoiceResult(invResultBody){
  var cmpName = getObjectValue(invResultBody, "companyName");
  var invName = getObjectValue(invResultBody, "companyName2");
  var invoiceId = getObjectValue(invResultBody, "invoiceId");
  var issuedDate = getObjectValue(invResultBody, "dateIssued");
  var dueDate = getObjectValue(invResultBody, "dateDue");
  var bankAccount = getObjectValue(invResultBody, "bankAccount");
  var total = getObjectValue(invResultBody, "total");
  var subTotal = getObjectValue(invResultBody, "subTotal");
  var tax = getObjectValue(invResultBody, "tax");

  var tableData = getTableData(invResultBody, "table");

  var cellIndex = 1;

  if(cmpName && cmpName !== ""){
    ss.getRange(`A${cellIndex}`).setFontWeight("bold").setValue("Company Name");

  if(invName && invName !== ""){
    ss.getRange(`A${cellIndex}`).setFontWeight("bold").setValue("Invoice Name");

  if(invoiceId && invoiceId !== ""){
    ss.getRange(`A${cellIndex}`).setFontWeight("bold").setValue("Invoice #");

  if(issuedDate && issuedDate !== ""){
    ss.getRange(`A${cellIndex}`).setFontWeight("bold").setValue("Issued Date");

  if(dueDate && dueDate !== ""){
    ss.getRange(`A${cellIndex}`).setFontWeight("bold").setValue("Due Date");

  if(bankAccount && bankAccount !== ""){
    ss.getRange(`A${cellIndex}`).setFontWeight("bold").setValue("Bank Account");

  if(total && total !== ""){

  if(subTotal && subTotal !== ""){
    ss.getRange(`A${cellIndex}`).setFontWeight("bold").setValue("Sub Total");

  if(tax && tax !== ""){

  // Render Table
  if(tableData && tableData.length > 0){

    ss.getRange(`A${cellIndex}`).setFontWeight("bold").setValue("Product Name");
    ss.getRange(`B${cellIndex}`).setFontWeight("bold").setValue("Item Price");
    ss.getRange(`D${cellIndex}`).setFontWeight("bold").setValue("Total Price");

    for(var iTableData = 0; iTableData < tableData.length; iTableData++){ ss.getRange(`A${cellIndex}`).setValue(tableData[iTableData].prodName); ss.getRange(`B${cellIndex}`).setValue(tableData[iTableData].itmPrice); ss.getRange(`C${cellIndex}`).setValue(tableData[iTableData].qty); ss.getRange(`D${cellIndex}`).setValue(tableData[iTableData].totalPrice); cellIndex++; } } } /** * Get Json Object Value */ function getObjectValue(jsonBody, fieldName){ var oRet = ""; if(jsonBody && jsonBody.objects && jsonBody.objects.length > 0){
    var findObjField = jsonBody.objects.filter(x => === fieldName && x.objectType === "field");
    if(findObjField && findObjField.length > 0){
      oRet = findObjField[0].value;

  return oRet;

 * Get Table formatted data from input Json
function getTableData(jsonBody, fieldName){
  var oRet = [];

  if(jsonBody && jsonBody.objects && jsonBody.objects.length > 0){
    var findObjTable = jsonBody.objects.filter(x => === fieldName && x.objectType === "table");
    if(findObjTable && findObjTable.length > 0 && findObjTable[0].rows && findObjTable[0].rows.length > 0){
      var tableRows = findObjTable[0].rows;

      for(var iRow = 0; iRow < tableRows.length; iRow++){
        var qty = tableRows[iRow].column1.value;
        var prodName = tableRows[iRow].column2.value;
        var itmPrice = tableRows[iRow].column3.value;
        var totalPrice = tableRows[iRow].column4.value;

        oRet.push({ qty: qty, prodName: prodName, itmPrice: itmPrice, totalPrice: totalPrice });

  return oRet;


Analyze Source Code

We can logically divide source code into the following sections.

  • Initial Declaration and References
  • Create Menu
  • Integrate with Endpoint
  • Render Google Sheet with Invoice data

Initial Declaration and References

// Get UI
const ui = SpreadsheetApp.getUi();

// Get the active spreadsheet and the active sheet
const ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
const ssid = ss.getId();

At the start of the program, we are declaring variables and assign them with spreadsheet references. These variables are widely used throughout the program. Therefore, it’s better to declare it once and use it more!

Create Menu

Event “onOpen” contains code for generating a custom menu. As the name suggests, This function is called each time a spreadsheet is opened.

function onOpen() {
  var menuItems = [
    {name: 'Get Invoice Information', functionName: 'getInvoiceInformation'} 
  ss.addMenu('', menuItems);

Integrate with Endpoint

This is the engine of the whole program! We’re consuming Endpoint ‘/v1/pdf/documentparser’. Now, this Endpoint returns invoice data in JSON format. All heavy lifting is done at side, and all we have to do is configure Endpoint with appropriate data.

All Endpoint requires an API key in header. This is crucial for authenticating requests on the side. You can easily get the API key by signing up at this link.

      // Prepare Payload
      var data = {
        "url": invoiceUrl, //"",
        "outputFormat": "JSON",
        "templateId": "1",
        "async": false,
        "encrypt": "false",
        "inline": "true",
        "password": "",
        "profiles": "",
        "storeResult": false

      // Prepare Request Options
      var options = {
        'method' : 'post',
        'contentType': 'application/json',
        'headers': {
          "x-api-key": "--enter-your-pdf-co-api-key-here--"
        // Convert the JavaScript object to a JSON string.
        'payload' : JSON.stringify(data)
      // Get Response
      var pdfCoResponse = UrlFetchApp.fetch('', options);

      var pdfCoRespText = pdfCoResponse.getContentText();
      var pdfCoRespJson = JSON.parse(pdfCoRespText);

Render Google Sheet with Invoice data

At this stage, we have all invoice data in JSON format. Now, all we need to do is fill Google Sheet cells with this information. It’ll give a nice user interface as shown in the demo GIF.

Function “showInvoiceResult” contains all logic to render a spreadsheet. Please review this method for more details.


Next Step

This article is written by taking into account that users should be able to implement this right away. Please try to implement this at your side for better exposure. Thank you!

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